Is hearing a struggle?
Do your ears feel plugged?
Are you bothered by dizziness or ringing in your ears?
Are you concerned about preventing hearing loss?
We can help.
Testing and diagnosis
ENT treatment for ear disease and dizziness
Tinnitus counseling
Hearing aids and assistive devices to make listening easier
Custom and ready fit earplugs
Pediatric and Adult Diagnostics
Our audiologist provides diagnostic testing to measure your hearing sensitivity and aid in diagnosing medical problems that may be affecting your hearing.
+ Pure tone audiometry
+ Play audiometry (children)
+ Speech reception and understanding in quiet
+ Speech understanding in noise
+ Tympanometry to assess eardrum mobility and middle ear status
+ Otoacoustic emissions to assess inner ear function
Hearing Aids
Today’s hearing aids are a marvel of technology! They’re lightweight, comfortable, and easier to wear than ever before. Want to stream music, listen to podcasts, and take phone calls through your hearing aids? We can do that. Simply want to hear? We can do that too!
We offer the latest in testing protocols to assess your needs. We consider your lifestyle, the demands on your hearing and your personal preferences to prescribe a solution that’s as unique as you are. And after you’re fit with your new hearing aids, we want to continue to see you! Regular maintenance keeps your hearing aids working their best for as long as you own them.
Hearing Aid Repairs
Today’s hearing aids are miniature computers, worn on and in the ears. These tiny devices are exposed to humidity, dust, ear wax, and daily wear and tear. While hearing aids are more robust than ever, they do break down! When that happens, we’re here to help.
In-Warranty and out-of-warranty factory repairs
In-house repair (replacement of defective parts)
Hearing aid cleaning and maintenance checks
Loaner aids, based on availability
Hearing Aid Accessories and Assistive Listening Devices
We carry all the accessories you need to keep your hearing aids working their best:
+ Cleaning tools
+ Hearing aid dehumidifiers
+ Wax guards
+ Dome eartips
+ Batteries
+ Hearing aid remote controls (some models)
Assistive listening devices provide extra help in the most common difficult listening situations: hearing TV, telephone, in church, or in noisy situations. Our audiologist can recommend personalized solutions to meet your listening needs.
+ TV Streamers
+ No-cost amplified and captioned telephones
+ Telecoil activation (in equipped hearing aids) for look systems in public venues
+ Remote microphone systems for use in noise
Custom Earplugs
Ears are like fingerprints: no two are exactly alike. If you’re having trouble with over-the-counter earplugs, custom plugs may be the answer. Made from an impression of your ears, they’re designed to fit comfortably and last for many years. Available in a variety of colors, types, and styles.
+ Swim Plugs
+ Sleep plugs
+ Custom hearing protection: Hunting, trapshooting, motorcycole sports, racing sports, filtered musician’s earplugs
we provide
hearing solutions
Our hearing evaluations are comfortable, efficient, and detailed. We’ll discuss your symptoms and lifestyle and perform a hearing and speech test, and determine what solutions would best meet your needs.
Modern hearing aids are incredible pieces of technology, but just like any complex piece of equipment, malfunction from time to time. If we can’t repair the item in house, we will liaise with the manufacturer on your behalf to ensure that your piece gets back to you in tip-top condition.
Selecting the appropriate size and style is important when choosing a hearing aid. Hearing aids provide the maximum benefit when they are worn all day, every day. We are here to help you choose a hearing aid that will be physically comfortable and well suited for all the listening environments you encounter in your day-to-day activities.
- Hearing aids
- Hearing evaluation
- Hearing aid repairs
- Baha implants
- Custom hearing protection
- Tinnitus Consultation

Have Additional Questions?
No worries, get in touch! We are happy to chat over any questions you may have.