sinus & allergy:
are your allergies getting the best of you?
As ear, nose and throat specialists, we are committed to the care and management of sinus and allergy issues, which can affect patients any time of year. We happily provide a diagnosis, treatment and continued care for patients of all ages. Combined with a thorough medical history, allergy testing can precisely pinpoint what triggers a reaction in patients.
Our specialists are trained to perform testing and provide a treatment plan for patients with allergies. Testing is done using skin scrapes or blood analysis. In some cases, suspected allergens can be injected into the skin of the arm.
The Most Common Allergies
Grass | Trees | Weeds | Pollen | Mold | Pet Dander | Dust Mites
The Most Common Allergies
Pet Dander
Dust Mites
we offer specialty
nasal treatments
SINUVA™ Sinus Implant
Dr. Yaish offers a non-surgical procedure for patients who suffer from repeat nasal polyps with SINUVA™ (mometasone furoate) Sinus Implant. SINUVA™ is proven to reduce polyps and nasal congestion and obstruction.
Propel Sinus Stent
Minimally invasive sinusitis surgery is one of the most effective treatments for chronic sinusitis because the diseased or obstructive tissue is removed from the sinuses. But given the chronic nature of the condition, ongoing inflammation and scarring can threaten to block sinuses again. PROPEL can help decrease inflammation for longer-term relief.
Balloon Sinuplasty
If you have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and are not responding well to antibiotics, you may be a candidate for Balloon Sinuplasty. This revolutionary treatment for blocked sinuses offers a minimally invasive option for patients who do not need or may not want extensive sinus surgery.

Have Additional Questions?
No worries, get in touch! We are happy to chat over any questions you may have.